Balance Account
Balance Account allows you to keep track of which transactions your bank knows about. If a transaction has gone through your bank you can clear it in Checkbook. Follow the steps
below to balance your checking account.
- Click the
Balance Account button (also found in Tools). This will load only the
Uncleared transactions. Your transactions will be sorted in ascending order by date. This allows you to clear transactions in chronological order along with your monthly statement.
- Consult your monthly bank statements to confirm which transactions have cleared.
- Select the transactions that you want to clear and click the
Clear button (also found in Tools). Your Cleared Balance in Account Details will be updated. As mentioned above, Balance Account only loads
Uncleared transctions. This means that the transactions that are cleared during this process will be removed from the view.
- Continue clearing transactions until your Cleared Balance matches the ending balance on your bank statement for that month..
- When you are finished clearing transactions click the
Balance Account button again to toggle it off. All of your transactions will be loaded again. If your account becomes balanced while clearing transactions Checkbook will let you know, then all your transactions will be loaded. Your transactions will default back to sorting in descending order by date.